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Avatar Setup

Here is a guide on how to set up the Quantum Particles on your Avatar in VRChat. Avatar Setup Guide

First of all, make sure to have a VRChat Unity Project with the latest SDK installed. After you imported the Quantum Particles package, all the Prefabs can be found in the Quantum\Particles\Prefabs folder.


The Quantum Particles are not compatible with the older GPU Particle package or any other repackage like JustSleightly's ezGPUParticlesv1.5.1 or Bananasaurus Rex's Brexs_av3.0_GPU_Particles_Setup.

Depending on what setup system you want to use, continue with the corresponding section below.

Parameter Bits usage for the different setups:

  • Default Prefab: 29
  • Preset Base: 27
  • Preset "Default": 18
  • Preset "Fire": 16
  • Preset "Snow": 17
  • Preset "Sparkle": 25
  • Preset "String": 25
  • All Presets: 128

VRCFury Setup

Make sure to add VRCFury to your project.

A quick demonstration of the following steps can be seen in the following video:


Do NOT mix the Default setup with the Preset setup Prefabs, you cannot use both at the same time.


By default, the reference points for the particles are attached to your left and right index fingers, if you want to change this you'll have to unpack the prefab (right click > Unpack Completely) and edit the Link to (Avatar): setting in the VRCFury scripts of the corresponding Anchor GameObjects.

If you also want to freely change the position relative to the bone, you need to open the Advanced Options of the VRCFury script, set Keep bone offsets to Yes and move the GameObjects to your desired position in the scene view.

Default Setup

Drag the "QP VRCFury Setup" prefab into your scene and then onto your Avatar's root object, VRCFury will automatically handle the rest.

Preset Setup

If you want to use any combination of Presets, drag the "QP Preset Base" prefab from the Presets Folder into your scene and then onto your Avatar's root object. Next, open up the "QP Preset Base" prefab and drag the preset you want to use (located in the same folder as the base) onto the "Quantum Particles" GameObject.

Manual Setup

Default Setup - First Part: Avatar Setup

  1. Drag QP Avatar Setup prefab into your Unity scene (for base scaling).
  2. Right click QP Avatar Setup in your hierarchy and click Unpack Prefab
  3. Drag Quantum Particles onto your avatar's root object.
  4. Drag all the GameObjects inside >>>MOVE TO ARMATURE BONES<<< to their corresponding bones on your armature (Left Hand, Right Hand, Neck, Head).
    • You can also move the Left/Right Hand GameObjects to any other bone you prefer, like the Left/Right Index Finger.
  5. Reset the Transform components of the GameObjects from the previous step by clicking the settings cog in the top right of the Transform component in your Inspector and clicking Reset
  6. (Optional) Position the Left/Right Hand Anchors to your preference.
  7. Select Desktop Anchor under [Neck] Proxy and position it to your preference (typically at eye/viewpoint level and in front of you at about a distance equal to your arm-span)

Default Setup - Second Part: AV3 Setup

It is advised to use something like AV3Manager to merge the Quantum Particles Parameters and Quantum Particles FX Animator Controller found at Quantum/Particles/Resources/Expressions with your Avatars Animator Controller and Parameters. Finally, add a new sub-menu control to your avatar's Menu file and drag in Quantum Particles Menu as the target sub-menu.

Preset Setup

  1. If you want to use any combination of Presets, follow all the steps of the Default Setup - First Part: Avatar Setup above.
  2. Repeat the Default Setup - Second Part: AV3 Setup for the base and every preset you want to use. All the Animator Controllers, Parameters and Menus are located at Quantum/Particles/Resources/Expressions/Presets/....
  3. Add all the presets menus to the Quantum Particles Presets Menu and the Quantum Particles Menu Base to your avatar (both located in Quantum/Particles/Resources/Expressions/Presets/Base/)
  4. Adjust the Layer values in the Activate Animator Layers.
    • Go to your avatars FX Animator Controller and look for the layers called Quantum Particles [PresetName] Activate (you have to do this for every preset you added)
    • inside the On and Off states, you find find multiple (VRC Animator Layer Control) scripts
    • you have to increase the values in the Layer field depending on how many layers you have before this one
    • for example: if there are 2 more layers above the Activate layer (so it's the 3rd layer in your Animator Controller), you have to increase the values by 2 (set the Layer values to 3, 4, 5, etc.) and if you have another preset with its Activate layer as the 10th layer, you have to set the Layer values to 10, 11, 12, etc.
    • make sure you do this for all presets Activate Layers and all the (VRC Animator Layer Control) scripts in the On and Off states, the exact amount the Layer Control scripts can vary depending on the preset.

Basic Setup

If you want to create your own Setup from scratch or plan to use the particles in a different project, like a VRChat World, the package contains a prefab simply called QuantumParticles which contains the basic setup for the particles. This Prefab contains no animations or additional components or scripts, only what is strictly necessary to get the particles working.

Change Particle Amount

Keep in mind that for technical reasons, the amount of particles cannot be adjusted freely. This is a result of the particle data being stored in a texture, and the amount of particles being determined by the area of this texture. The amount of particles is given by the formula Particle Amount = Resolution X * Resolution Y / 2. Ideally, the resolution should be a power of 2, like 256x256, 512x512, 1024x1024, etc. Other resolutions might work, but could lead to unexpected results.

To change the Particle Amount, you will need to adjust several things in the Quantum Particles setup.

  1. In the Particles GameObject (usually located inside the Quantum Particles GameObject), change the mesh to one with the desired amount of vertices.
    • Appropriate meshes can be found in the Quantum/Particles/Resources/Meshes folder. Or generate your own mesh by going to Tools > Quantum > Particles.
  2. Replace the Render Textures used in the Cameras and the Simulator Materials.
    • The Render Textures can be found in the Camera Components, inside the slot Target Texture, and for the Simulator Materials under Base Settings > Input Texture.
    • Keep in mind that the Material needs a Render Textures of the SAME side (Left/Right) as the Simulator it is used for, while the Camera needs the OPPOSITE side as the Simulator it is inside.
    • Appropriate Render Textures can be found in the Quantum/Particles/Resources/RenderTextures folder.